It's been a long time since I posted last. Long is relative, but longer than usual.
via GIPHYAnyway, three weeks ago, we didn't go land hunting because we were exhausted. Physically, mentally, emotionally... all the ways. There are just so many possibilities... it's so tiring to wonder which is right. But then you get down to doing some research and it seems actually that none are really possible. And it's sad and draining.
I refuse to feel too foolish for having believed that my ~$250K was a good enough place to start from. Especially when we thought we were choosing a relatively inexpensive way to get the housing we want. But given my rather inverted income situation, it's not really enough for much of anything.
Last weekend, we again didn't go out and look at things. We had a few contenders, but with such dim financial outlooks, it really needed to be perfect. We did actually find some homes we might be able to afford. Many of them in less than ideal areas, but hey, I've lived in ManchVegas (NH), in a building that was condemned as soon as I moved out of it. I think we can handle it. Plus who knows if people say an area here is less desirable for any good reasons like... snakes or Proud Asshat gatherings (which probably happen in the town we live in now).
I followed up with Adam Friday, sending an email to say "hey... have you had a chance to check out these property potentials?" We hadn't heard anything since I had sent the email the Sunday before. Then I realized that the links I had sent from a real estate site must be relative because they did not match up to the correct properties. So I had to go through that site and find them all again and send the addresses.
That was Friday, as I said. We still haven't heard from Adam. I suspect that he doesn't see the point in sending an email back to confirm that he got my email... but let me assure the rest of you, there is a point! The point is that I will not be wondering if my email is hanging out in the Land of Lost Technology or if he's just ignoring us for some reason.
Imagining what the Land of Lost Tech would look like |
If we don't hear from Adam, then next week I'll contact the agents from that site to see if they can get us some info about those properties. They have in the past and have been very responsive.
We watched some clip yesterday of Bill Maher (not my choice, Chris had the remote) who admitted to living in San Diego and how he's been working for three years just to have the government let him put solar up on his home. That disheartened us further. If someone can't get solar up on a normal home, what chance do we have of getting approval for our "wild and crazy" home that happens to function independently of city water and electric?
All in all, we're just feeling quite down and out about the project. Chris is burying himself in hobbies. I have a new job and I'm doing work to try and start a business. Plus my tooth still hurts from the dentist a month ago and I have to go back tomorrow probably for a root canal. The appartment is taking a beating because neither of us are cleaning it. We'll come around again and rally, but until then, that's what's been up!
Hope all your dreams are coming true. (The good ones... not those others...)
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